1987《摩斯探长第二季》英国犯罪历史 更新至第4集/共4集 迅雷磁力网盘下载

 1987《摩斯探长第二季》英国犯罪历史 更新至第4集/共4集 迅雷磁力网盘下载

  • 至第4集 / 共4集
  • 原名:Inspector Morse Season 2
  • 别名:摩斯探长:沃夫寇特之舌 / 莫斯侦探 / 莫尔思探长
  • 编剧:朱利安·米契,柯林·德克斯特
  • 导演:阿拉斯泰尔·里德
  • 主演:约翰·肖,凯文·沃特利,西蒙·卡洛,肯内斯·库兰汉姆
  • 首播日期:1987-12-25(英国)
  • 翻译:冰冰字幕组
  • 单集片长:100分钟
  • 类型:犯罪历史
剧情介绍:   Morse and Lewis investigate the death of Laura Poindexter, an American tourist who is part of an exclusive tour group visiting Oxford. Missing from her personal effects is her jewelry, including the Wolvercote Tongue which she was going to donate to the Ashmolean Museum. The pathologist determines that she died of natural causes, but Morse feels there”s something not quite right. The mystery deepens when Theodore Kemp, the Ashmolean”s expert on the Wolvercote Tongue, is found dead and Mrs. Poindexter”s husband goes missing.




摩斯探长第二季、摩斯、探长、第二季、英国、犯罪、历史、更新、迅雷、磁力、网盘、下载1987《mositanchangdierji》yingguofanzuilishi gengxinzhidi4ji/gong4ji xunleiciliwangpanxiazai


文章标题:1987《摩斯探长第二季》英国犯罪历史 更新至第4集/共4集 迅雷磁力网盘下载
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